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Easy Pack System Membrane

MontaMil EasyPack membrane filter of Cellulose Nitrate and Cellulose Acetate that combined we obtain Cellulose Esters. It is a smoother and more uniform filtration membrane

Membrana de filtración con sistema Easy Pack


Membrane Filters
Sterile and dispensing

DORSAN® presents a new concept of laboratory membranes: MontaMil® EasyPack. By combining Cellulose Nitrate (NC) and Cellulose Acetate (CA) we obtain the Cellulose Esters (MCE) membrane.

The overlapping of the cellulose acetate on the surface of a cellulose nitrate membrane, allows us to obtain a smoother and more uniform membrane than pure or cellulose nitrate membranes.


Membrane type: MCE.
White and black squared colours.
Standard diameters: 47 mm and 50 mm.
Pore size: 0.45 µm.
ISO 9011 and ISO 7704 quality standards.

Membrana de filtración con sistema Easy Pack
membrana para filtrar easy pack montamil
membrana para filtrar de esteres de celulosa easypack


Colour Pore μm Diameter mm Packaging units Cat. Nº Nº
White squared 0.45 47 150 MCEWGSZ047045
White squared 0.45 50 150 MCEWGSZ050045
Black squared 0.45 47 150 MCEBGSZ047045
Black squared 0.45 50 150 MCEBGSZ050045
Dispenser MM-DISP

Note. We reserve the right to modify the information contained in this pamphlet without prior notice.

flecha blanca de dorsan filtración

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