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Quantitative Filter Paper

Filter paper for quantitative analysis in laboratories. It is an ashless filter paper with wet strength for Büchner filtration and gravimetric analysis.

papel de filtro cuantitativo dorsan


DORSAN® provides laboratory technicians with a complete range of filter paper without ash for all types of quantitative analysis.

When burning paper, ash is obtained with a proportion of <0.01%, thus complying with international rules in this area. For the manufacturing of this paper high quality cellulose is used.

Once the paper is manufactured, it is treated with acid and washed with demineralised water. It’s great resistance when wet makes it ideal for use in Büchner filtrations.


Rapid, Medium or Slow Filtration.
Low ash content <0.01%
High resistance in humid state.
Gravimetric analysis.
Cotton and a-cellulose fibres.
Choose between a variety of diameters.


QUALITY 440. Rapid filtration. Featured on Büchner filtrations or Schöeninger supports combustion. Also recommended for calcium, oxalate, silica… Equivalent to Whatman 40.
QUALITY 441. Medium Filtration. It presents a very good retention of coarse precipitates. ecommended for the laboratories of metallurgical industries (iron or aluminium hydroxides) and food industry analysis. Equivalent to Whatman 41.
QUALITY 442. Very Slow Filtration. It is the filter paper with less ash contein. Very good retention of fine particles (barium and lead sulphates). Equivalent to Whatman 42.
QUALITY 443. Medium Slow Filtration. Determination of sand content and grade of flour in foodstuffs. Recommended for the analysis in electroplating, analisys of alkaline earth carbonates. Equivalent to Whatman 43.
QUALITY 444. Slow Filtration. Recomended for fine crystalline precipitates. Equivalent to Whatman 44.


Quality Grammage gm² Thickness mm Ash Content % (800ºC) Herzberg (sec.x100 ml) Rating μm Filtration Characteristics Whatman Equivalent.
440 85 0.20 <0.01 60 20-25 Fast 40
441 85 0.20 <0.01 350 5-8 Medium 41
442 100 0.21 <0.01 1970 2-3 Very Slow 42
443 85 0.20 <0.01 175 14-16 Medium Slow 43
444 85 0.18 <0.01 990 3-4 Slow 44


Diameter mm Grade 440 Grade 441 Grade 442 Grade 443 Grade 444
55 440-055 441-055 442-055 443-055 444-055
70 440-070 441-070 442-070 443-070 444-070
90 440-090 441-090 442-090 443-090 444-090
110 440-110 441-110 442-110 443-110 444-110
125 440-125 441-125 442-125 443-125 444-125
150 440-150 441-150 442-150 443-150 444-150
185 440-185 441-185 442-185 443-185 444-185
240 440-240 441-240 442-240 443-240 444-240
320 440-320 441-320 442-320 443-320 444-320


Note. We reserve the right to modify the information contained in this pamphlet without prior notice.

flecha blanca de dorsan filtración

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